The Final Word


The beginning of March finally gives me the opportunity to tie up the loose ends on our 2015 Autism Guernsey 365 Project, which took place every Wednesday throughout last year in the form of walking around the coast of Guernsey 13 times, a quarter every week, irrespective of weather conditions on the day, and cleaning cliff path steps. Our original target was, like all other participants, to raise £365 in 365 days, by me doing the walking around the cliff and coastal paths of Guernsey in the 52 weekly walks, and both my wife, Angela, and I also cleaning 365 cliff path steps in and around the Moulin Huet / Saints Bay area. The whole project is documented in this blog, outlining the story throughout the year through the eyes of both myself and Angela.

I cannot thank enough the many people who have contributed financially to the project; there are several examples of individual donations that are documented in the blog, but the final outcome is that we have paid into Autism Guernsey a staggering £2,555, which in fact represents 7 times the £365 that we originally set out to raise!

Finally I could not finish this last blog entry without thanking Anne and Clive, who were both so committed to and supportive of my weekly walking programme whenever they were available, and my wife, Angela, who not only completed my weekly blog, but helped me clean cliff path steps, and supported me throughout this demanding project.

Last word from Angela – I had the easy bit, believe me, but it has been an honour and a privilege to support my husband through this huge undertaking, seeing his grit and determination to get through the hard stages, and his delight at the many expressions of true charity and generosity he experienced on the way. I’m not sure his knees will fully recover, but that doesn’t stop him continuing with his activities – maybe not quite so demanding as the Icart to Pleinmont stretch of the cliff path, however! Thank you one and all who helped him achieve the truly magnificent sum he raised – every penny a valuable contribution for the work so needed, fulfilled by Autism Guernsey.


We recently enjoyed a well-earned break in Lisbon with Andy, our son, whose brainchild Autism Guernsey was, and the Autism365 project. He worked so hard to set it up and establish it – now he is working on new projects, but they will still be for the benefit of those on the autistic spectrum.


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